Mettre à jour la position d'une station
Pour la 1500 quelle position X Y gps vous souhaitez ? Merci
1500 Perfect. Merci
Hello OWM Community,
a new Arduino station at the given location:
- Device number: 988
- Latitude and longitude in decimal notation: 46.426806, 15.983911
I think we will have the first station in Sl at our LJPT airport.
Thank you and greetings from Slovenia,
Adam -
C'est fait
@nicolas bonjour , piou piou 989 position (47.9842161, 3.7751525) aérodrome St florentin cheu .
Merci de l ajout -
C'est fait
This Station is now in South Africa but I don’t get a connection.
Can you please help!!!
Warm regards
Hans -
I move towards 0 , 0
Can somebody please switch the Zigfox connection of my station to ‚international‘. So that i can use it in South Africa.Thanks for helping !!!
Could you see if it is possible here please ?
@hzg I made the transfer. Station 1579 is now on the international contract