Please change informations for windbird-1559
Station name: Schöckl mitte (test)
Description: Temporäre Teststation am Schöckl Mitte ~ 1560hm
Please change informations for windbird-1559
Station name: Schöckl mitte (test)
Description: Temporäre Teststation am Schöckl Mitte ~ 1560hm
We have ordered 7 more stations we have than 8 in here can yan you please add for the 7 new stations the informations? 4 from them are online, 3 we install end of week:
station number: 1725
desired station name: Schöckl Nord SP (1434m)
desired station description: Paraglider take-off Schöckl north PGC Steiermark
station number: 1688
desired station name: Schöckl Süd SP (1418m)
desired station description: Paraglider take-off Schöckl south PGC Steiermark
station number: 1779
desired station name: LP Talstation (736m)
desired station description: Paraglider landing area 1 St. Radegund Schöckl south PGC Steiermark
station number: 1559
desired station name: LP2 Aussenlandungen (736m)
desired station description: Paraglider landing area 2 St. Radegund Schöckl south PGC Steiermark
station number: 1607
desired station name: LP Plenzengreith (968m)
desired station description: Paraglider landing area Plenzengreith Schöckl north PGC Steiermark
station number: 1651
desired station name: LP HGC (680m)
desired station description: Hang Glider landing area Radegund Schöckl south HGC Drachenflieger
station number: 1508
desired station name: LP Tober (736m)
desired station description: Paraglider landing area Gelder - training building Steiermark flight school PPC, PGC Steiermark
@jr said in Changer la description d'une station / Change station description:
C'est fait https://www.openwindmap.org/PP1756
Thank you so much!
can we add please altitude to name:
station number: 1756
desired station name: Rabnitz (535m)
Guest said in Changer la description d'une station / Change station description:
@nicolas said in Changer la description d'une station / Change station description:
station number: 1756
desired station name: Rabnitz
desired station description: Paragliding Ground Station Rabnitz PGC Steiermark
registerd right now - message was from me - is my station